Thursday, January 22, 2009

ORM Mapping for Web Service Definition

This post is an experiment with the Blogger/Google Docs interoperability functionality. I'm not terribly impressed with the quality of the translation between doc and blog post. If you're as disgusted with the layout as I am, feel free to read the google doc here. This is a document describing an idea Greg proposed to me and another student in his CSC2125 class. In once sentence, the problem is : Can we use the object mapping definition from an Object-Relational Mapping tool to describe objects/resources in a RESTful web API, and in so doing leverage some of the benefits ORMs have lent to persistance, reduce redundancy, and generally make people happier? Unfortunately, the more I look into it, the more I think the answer is 'no'. However, we're not quite finished the investigation yet.

ORM Mapping for Web Service Descriptors

Traditional Situation

Figure 1 illustrates the traditional deployment situation for a client/server application, in which the client communicates with the server via an exposed web service, and the server persists data into a database using an object-relational mapper. The server-side process consists of a layered architecture, in which the business logic interfaces with the database via an ORM mapping layer. The application logic stores its data in the form of objects (hence the ORM), and a mapping is defined by the application programmer between the class definitions for these objects and a relational database schema.

The client side application code performs some useful operation with the data or service exposed by the server-side business logic. To access this information or service, the client application utilizes stub objects. These stubs expose the same interface as the live objects on the server (possibly a subset of methods for security/feasibility reasons), but the implementation of the object lives on the server; client side methods all contain logic for making calls to the server, and returning the response as if the method were implemented on the client. These stub objects are created automatically at build time by a tool which is able to read a description of the web service, and interpret into source code which can be compiled and used by the application. In traditional web services, this description is a WSDL file. <what is this for a REST web service??>
Figure 1: Traditional Client-Server Web Service Deployment, with ORM Mapping Definition and a Web Service Descriptor


The problem with this deployment is that there are redundencies in the way the shared objects and web service is defined, which could be streamlined to the benefit of both server-side programmers and clients who wish to interface with the server. In the event that the class definition for one of the shared objects changes (ex. adding a new public member), the server-side application programmer must update both the ORM Mapping Definition file/logic, as well as the Web Service Descriptor, and the client-side programmer may be required to at least rebuild their application, to update the stubs (this is addresses in Versioning).

Single Mapping Definition

It has been proposed that the ORM Mapping Definition and Web Service Descriptor can be combined into one artifact, as the two separate documents both essentially describe how to serialize instances of a given class. With hopefully only a small amount of modification, an ORM Mapping Definition could be used to serve both these purposes. Also, if the ORM side of the interface to this artifact is properly preserved, it is hoped that it can still be used for many of the other functions the ORM layer uses it for, like relational database schema migration/exporting.

Note: it may be interesting to investigate this further, as the ORM Mapping Definition serializes an object's state, but a Web Service Descriptor would likely only describe an object's behavior/interface!

Figure 2: Client-Server Web Service Deployment, with single Shared Object Descriptor


Following from the automatic schema migration/updating, questions are raised about how similar functionality could be used to span the client-server gap, not just the server-database gap. Obviously, client-side stub classes can't be updated completely automatically, as this would require rebuilding the application. However, the server could expose several concurrent versions of the same service, multiplexed based on a version field in incoming requests. As part of the schema update process, in addition to modifying the database, the ORM layer (or some other piece of code) could generate the infrastructure required to support backward-compatible calls to the web service API.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a WSDL file. what is this for a REST web service?? ... a WADL
