Saturday, May 16, 2009

ICSE 09 - Day One

We're wrapping up the first day of talks here at ICSE 2009. I've talked my way into the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) workshop. Here's a quick breakdown of some noteworthy points:

Keynote: Dr. Michael McAllister, Director of Academic Research Centers for SAP Business Objects
An hour and a half long talk in which he sells BI to the masses. Spoke a lot about integrating data silos, and providing an integrated, unified view of the data to business level decision makers. Also interesting anicdotes on how BI helped cure SARS. Forgot what OLAP stands for. Kind of concerning. This talk made me (after spending 2+ years working for a BI company) want a running example of what BI is and how it is used in the context of an expanding organization - from the point before any computational logistics assistance is required, and progressing forward to a Wallmart sized operation. Most examples I've seen start with a huge complex organization, complete with established silos, and then installs things like supply chain management, repository abstraction, customer relations management, document management, etc.

Mining GIT Repositories - presented the difficulties in mining data out of GIT (or DVCS systems in general) as opposed to traditional centralized systems like svn. Noteworthy items include high degree of branching and the lack of a 'mainline' of development.

Universal VCS - by looking for identical files in the repos of different projects, a single unified version control view is established for nearly all available software. Developed by creating a spider program which crawled the repos of numerous projects, downloading metadata and inferring links where appropriate.

Map Reduce - blah blah blah use idle PCs for quick pluggable clustering to chuck away on map reduce problems. Look @ Google MapReduce and Hardoop.

Alitheei Core - A software engineering research platform. Plugin framework for performing operations on heterogeneous repositories. Can define a new Metric by implementing an interface, and then evaluate the metric against all repositories in the framework. Look @ SQO OSS.

Many of these previous talks created tools for mining repositories, but with no greater purpose than that. When asked about this ('mining for the sake of mining'), none of the authors seemed to have a problem. The conclusion of the discussion was that this lack of purpose was a problem, and that the professional community should be surveyed to find out what needs they have for mining repos.

Research extensions/ideas:
The third MSR session today focused heavily on defect prediction. After showing off 3 or 4 methods of mining vcs systems to predict buggy code that improved prediction probability by 4% or 5%, the discussion boiled down to this, "What do managers/developers want in these reports to help them do their jobs?" Obviously, the room full of academics didn't have a definitive answer. One gentleman asked the question I had written down, which was "has anyone used the history and coverage of a software's test suite in combination with data from the VCS as a defect predictor (in theory, heavily tested areas are less likely to contain bugs)?" I found this particularly interesting. Also, I began to wonder, if we had one of these defect prediction reports, does it improve a developer's ability to find bugs, and if so, to what extent? Would it be measurable in the same way as I intend to measure testing ability with students and professionals?

Stay tuned for more info (and pictures of beautiful vancouver)!

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