While thinking about which papers/books I should consume over reading week, I came to the conclusion that what I would really rather do is finish up the planking on my scratch-built Bluenose. This was a project that I started a little over a year ago, and boxed when I moved to Toronto. My plan was to finish it before christmas, what with all the spare time I'd have as a lazy grad student. Turns out, things are a bit different than I originally estimated, and the Bluenose has stayed in the closet for the last 4 or 5 months.

The hull was carved from a single 6"x6"x48" Basswood timber, with additional pieces carved/shaped/cut from mixes of pine, balsa, and basswood. The false-underdeck is pretty much done, just needs a bit of sanding along the rails, then I get to start planking the deck. I estimate I'll spend most of the first day figuring out the scales & sizes I chose for everything. In hindsight, I wish I had written some of this stuff down, but I think I'll manage.
Are those guitars in your room? We should totally start an SE group band. I play bass/keys :)
Greg and Alicia play sax. We just need a drummer and a vocalist and we're set!--oh yeah, and time. We need some of that too...
OK, from now on, you're *Captain* Frodo :-)
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